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Section Title: Associated Topics

Section Summary: dhjfgkljahsdfkjgjh;kadhfkgh

  • Animals & Food Simple Cards

    Some animals eat plants and plant products like grass, leaves and fodder. Goat, cow, horse and sheep eat only plants.
  • Fashion - Test FPB Refactor

    The prevailing style of dress during a particular time. Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics, and construction to clothing and its accessories.

Section Title: Banner Featured

Section Title: Media Gallery

Section Summary: A reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) and a Rothschild's giraffe

Section Title: Media With Text

Section Summary: A truly a unique species, giraffes are found only in sub-Saharan Africa and can reach unbelievable heights


Giraffes are mammals

Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks.
giraffe is an animal

However much you know giraffes, to see one in the wild for the first time feels prehistoric

Jane Goodall

Section Title: Shortbread

Creating Vue components allows us to extract repeatable parts of the interface coupled with its functionality into reusable pieces of code. This alone can get our application pretty far in terms of maintainability and flexibility. However, our collective experience has proved that this alone might not be enough, especially when your application is getting really big – think several hundred components. When dealing with such large applications, sharing and reusing code becomes especially important.

short bread cookies
yummy short bread cookies

Let’s imagine that in our app, we have a view to show a list of repositories of a certain user. On top of that, we want to apply search and filter capabilities. Our component handling this view could look like this:

dreaming code
dreaming code

Creating Vue components allows us to extract repeatable parts of the interface coupled with its functionality into reusable pieces of code. This alone can get our application pretty far in terms of maintainability and flexibility. However, our collective experience has proved that this alone might not be enough, especially when your application is getting really big – think several hundred components. When dealing with such large applications, sharing and reusing code becomes especially important.

Let’s imagine that in our app, we have a view to show a list of repositories of a certain user. On top of that, we want to apply search and filter capabilities. Our component handling this view could look like this:

Section Title: Simple Cards - How Tall is a Baby Giraffe

Section Summary: A newborn Giraffe is about 1.8 meters tall i.e. 6 feet which is almost equal to the height of its mother’s legs.

  • default

    Tallest Animals

    The tallest land animal on earth is the giraffe, with an overall height between 14 feet and 19 feet.
  • about

    I Like Turtles

    SUMMARY: FACE-painted boy who went viral for his bizarre response to a TV reporter's question. Jonathan Ware shot to fame in 2007 after a clip of him went viral on YouTube.

Giraffes are Tall

The giraffe, with its long neck, is the tallest living animal. Males are able to reach a height of 18ft (5.5m).
Giraffe Facts
Giraffe Facts

Section Title: Highlight

Section Summary: Long believed to have little social structure, giraffes actually are socially complex.

Associated Staff Member