Featured Endowments
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Cornelia Breitenbach Memorial Fund in the Arts
Cornelia Breitenbach, an assistant professor of design at UCLA, earned international recognition for her work in experimental textiles and manipulation of surface and color, and her performance exhibits of wearable art.
Joan S. and Ralph N. Goldwyn Endowed Collection in Jazz
A UCLA graduate with a degree in business administration, Ralph Goldwyn was president of First Commercial Finance Corporation and a member of the UCLA Board of Governors. Over the years Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn have demonstrated their affection for UCLA…
Lifu Wang Chinese Cultural Endowment
王立夫中國文化基金 The Lifu Wang Chinese Cultural Endowment will expand UCLA Library's research archives on Chinese culture.
Professor Richard Hudson Endowment in Music
Professor Emeritus Richard Hudson is a scholar who possesses a deep commitment to UCLA, an institution that has been his academic home for most of his career.
The Gold Shield Marjorie Alice Lenz Endowed Collection in Fashion and Costume Design
Vibrant, confident, and with a wonderful sense of style, Marjorie Alice Lenz was a third-generation Californian and a fashion journalist. For years she was the West Coast editor of Mademoiselle magazine, a post that led to her association with…
The Jen & Diane Living Memorial Endowment
編みぐるみ Jen & Diane wants everyone to have as many stuffed animals as they need to make them happy. This fund will allow recipients to purchase as many stuff animals as they want in one fiscal year.
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