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Art, Honor, and Ridicule: Fante Asafo Flags from Southern Ghana

This exhibition features the Fowler’s extraordinary collection of asafo flags from Ghana—one of the most extensive in the world. Colorful and conceptually layered, the flags are insignia for the historical and still thriving military companies of Fante states in southern Ghana. They are created by various workshops active in the region to this day and are paraded by the companies to celebrate their strength and preserve the memory of their role as community defendants. Most works in the exhibition were produced in the 20th century by documented artists, but the tradition dates to at least the 17th century. Accompanied by videos and photographs taken over the past five decades, the flags on view speak to the cultural, political, and social facets of these stunning textiles and their role in contemporary Fante life.

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Educational programming is made possible in part by the Nissan Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Mara W. Breech Foundation, and the Winnick Family Foundation.