The idea in this step is that you will determine how each experiment was performed by going through the Results section figure by figure and creating cartoons of the corresponding Methods section. You will ‘‘work backwards’’ from the data presented in each figure (or table) to understand the methods. In other words, link what was actually done in each experiment and the data that were obtained.
"This was my favorite step. I really enjoy drawing, so this step helped me really visualize how each experiment was done." - A successful CREATES student.
"Reading the paper while writing meaningful annotations increases understanding significantly." - A successful CREATES student.
See below for some examples of methods diagrams and figure annotations created by two different students for the same scientific article (linked for your reference). Notice that there is no one right way to organize your thoughts!
Now you are ready to read and annotate the methods and results! When you finish, use this checklist to double-check your work: