What makes memorable, meaningful, and transformative learning happen?

In this part of the activity, you'll turn your experiences into a list of characteristics of memorable, meaningful, and transformative learning. Over time, you'll develop your list to explore how to make your designs more memorable, meaningful, and transformative.

Notebook iconWith your team: Characteristics of Effective Learning

Part 1

Think about the stories shared in the previous activity. Work with your team to brainstorm a list of the characteristics of learning and/or design you noticed in these stories. It might help you to think about how you would complete the following sentences for learning and/or design:

Design for Learning:

Learning is most memorable when: ______________.
Learning is most meaningful when: ______________.
Learning is most transformative when: ______________.

Design for UX:

Design is most memorable when: ______________.
Design is most meaningful when: ______________.
Design is most transformative when: ______________.

Part 2

Next, take a look at the following list of ideas shared by previous participants in this mini-course (scroll to see all the responses).

Learning is most memorable, meaningful, and transformative when:

there is ample motivation and encouragement
the instructor is engaging
the environment is comfortable
there is lots of interaction and feedback
it is very experiential
the instruction and materials engage multiple senses
cultural contexts are included
the learner creates something they didn't think they could
learning is relevant to the goals and interests of the learners
learners engage with real, authentic challenges
instructors are transparent about the fact that they don't have all the answers
learners have both tools and time to practice
learners see the world in a new way
teachers make time for learners as individuals
learning is fun, surprising and novel (but in a happy way, not in a scary way)
the class brings together two or more universes
the learning environment is immersive
teachers are affirming
learning is practical and can be used in life outside the classroom
creativity is actively encouraged
opportunity is given to fail, assess the failure, and practice until perfection or competency is reached
expectations are clearly defined and adhered to
learners can give frequent feedback to instructors
learners feel challenged but not overwhelmed
learners go beyond pre-established limits and comfort zones

Talk together with your team about the following questions:

  • What themes or categories are you noticing?
  • How can we balance seemingly contradictory ideas? For example, how do we make learning environments both "challenging" and "comfortable"?
  • What are the most important ideas for you as a learner? For the learners you work with?
  • What are the most important ideas for you as a designer and creator?

Something missing? You can contribute your ideas:

Notebook iconIn your notebook: Top-5 List

Your Top-5 List

Choose one of the paths below for your top 5 list:

Design for Learning

Based on your discussions, create your own personal "Top-5" list of the characteristics of memorable, meaningful, and transformative learning that are most relevant specifically for you. Write this list down in your notebook. We will come back to this list later when you make your manifesto!

Design for UX

Based on your discussions, create your own personal "Top-5" list of the characteristics of memorable, meaningful, and transformative design that are most relevant specifically for you. Write this list down in your notebook. We will come back to this list later when you make your manifesto!

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