Appreciating the Value of Different Resource Types

Created by Abigail Holder, Makena Tinney

In this module, we will explore how the value, relevance, authority, and accuracy of an information source is influenced by its category and its type.

Thank you to Chris Lopez, Dr. Michelle Rensel, and Simon Lee for designing the original iteration of this tutorial tailored for Cluster 71 (Biotechnology and Society).

About this tutorial


Abigail Holder, Makena Tinney


Renee Romero, Ashley Peterson, Katherine Kapsidelis, Simon Lee

Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate scholarly sources from popular sources and primary sources from secondary sources.
  • Describe the value of different types of popular, scholarly, primary, and secondary sources.
  • Identify and categorize your research materials, according to the categories and types of information covered.