Critically Evaluating Resources

Created by Abigail Holder, Makena Tinney

In this module, we will investigate the role your positionalities play in the research process as well as how to identify the reliability, validity, and usefulness of a given source.

Thank you to Chris Lopez, Dr. Michelle Rensel, and Simon Lee for designing the original iteration of this tutorial tailored for Cluster 71 (Biotechnology and Society).

About this tutorial


Abigail Holder, Makena Tinney


Renee Romero, Ashley Peterson, Katherine Kapsidelis, Simon Lee

Learning Outcomes

  • Define positionality in relation to the research process.
  • Discuss the role your positionalities play when doing academic research.
  • Practice quickly identifying the reliability and validity of a given source given its type, methodology, publication, date, accuracy of sources cited, and other factors.
  • Identify the usefulness of the sources you will use both by checking for their credibility and how the author’s findings or claims relate to your own ideas.